 近年、世界各国がパリ協定の下でCO2排出削減を進める中、私たちは、持続可能な森林管理を通じて、 生成エネルギー負荷の小さい生産資材である木材の活用や、再生可能なエネルギー源である木質バイオマス(間伐材、林地残材等の未利用木材)の燃料活用を推進することで、 地球規模の温暖化緩和や低炭素社会の実現に貢献することができます。
 こうした理念のもと、多様な時空間スケールにわたる森林環境情報の把握や持続可能な森林管理の探求を大きな研究テーマとして捉え、 森林炭素蓄積量・吸収量の推定、炭素クレジット取引、木材生産量や樹木枯死量の予測、 環境・経済・社会的機能のバランスを考慮した森林管理計画の策定といった個別研究テーマに取り組んでいます。


広嶋卓也 准教授・農学博士
東京大学 大学院農学生命科学研究科 農学国際専攻
〒113-8657 東京都文京区弥生1-1-1
Tel: 03-5841-7508
Fax: 03-5841-5235
email: hiroshim (at)

Research Interests
Nowadays each country tries to reduce CO2 emission according to the Paris Agreement. To realize global warming mitigation and low carbon society, it is a matter of great importance to promote timber utilization as a low energy consumption material and woody biomass utilization as a recyclable energy source through sustainable forest management.
Under these concepts, our general research topics are geospatial analysis of forests and pursuit of sustainable forest management over multiple time and space. Specific topics are such as evaluation of forest carbon sink and its offsetting credit trading, prediction of timber supply/tree mortality, planning of forest management balancing environmental, economic and social functions of forest.

Research Topics
・Evaluation of forest carbon sink and its carbon offsetting credit trading according to Paris Agreement/Kyoto Mechanisms
・Prediction of woody biomass supply based on timber harvesting volume estimation
・Survival analysis of tree population in uneven-aged forest and tree mortality prediction
・Spatial analysis of forest stand based on geo-informatics

Major Publications
1. Hiroshima T, Toyama K, Suzuki SN, Owari T, Nakajima T, Ishibashi S (2020) Long observation period improves growth prediction in old Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) forest plantations. J For Res 25: 183-191. DOI: 10.1080/13416979.2020.1753280
2. Hiroshima T, Nakajima T, Kanomata H (2018) Calculation of commercial thinning volumes in 47 prefectures in Japan. J For Res 23: 47-55. DOI: 10.1080/13416979.2017.1391367
3. Hiroshima T (2015) Finding Suitable Stands for Clearcutting and Reforestation by Combining GIS Thematic Maps Expressed by Standard Scores: A Case Study in the University of Tokyo Chiba Forest. J For Plann 20: 35-43. DOI: 10.20659/jfp.20.2_35
4. Hiroshima T (2014) Applying age-based mortality analysis to a natural forest stand in Japan. J For Res 19: 379-387. DOI: 10.1007/s10310-013-0428-8
5. Hiroshima T (2012) Trends and issues on the Japan Verified Emission Reduction (J-VER) scheme and corresponding carbon offset in Japan. Bull Tokyo Univ For 127: 1-16. Permalink :
6. Hiroshima T (2011) Calculation of yields on a national level by combining yields of each prefecture using the Gentan probability. J For Res 16: 98-107. DOI: 10.1007/s10310-010-0216-7
7. Hiroshima T, Nakajima T (2006) Estimation of sequestered carbon in Article-3.4 private planted forests in the first commitment period in Japan. J For Res 11: 427-437 DOI: 10.1007/s10310-006-0236-5
8. Hiroshima, T (2004) Strategy for implementing silvicultural practices in Japanese plantation forests to meet a carbon sequestration goal. J For Res 9: 141-146 DOI: 10.1007/s10310-003-0070-y

Takuya HIROSHIMA, Associate Professor
Lab of Global Forest Environmental Studies,
Department of Global Agricultural Sciences,
Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences,
The University of Tokyo
1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan
Tel:+81-3-5841-7508, Fax:+81-3-5841-5235
email: hiroshim (at)


Takuya HIROSHIMA (Associate Professor, PhD)